pyemf 2.0.0 01 January 2006 Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Rob McMullen ( ABSTRACT ======== pyemf is a pure python module that provides bindings for an ECMA-234 compliant vector graphics library. ECMA-234 is the published interface for the Windows GDI used in the Microsoft windows environment and, more importantly, natively supported by the OpenOffice suite of tools. PREREQUISITES ============= python (tested under 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4) QUICK INSTALL ============= python install Yep, that's pretty much it, unless you have unpatched versions of PyRTF or matplotlib. Patch for PyRTF --------------- If you have an unpatched version of PyRTF, you may apply the included patch to provide EMF support. You can either apply it to the source distribution, or to the site libraries (where you might have to be root). $ cd PyRTF-0.45/PyRTF $ patch -p0 < PyRTF-0.45-EMF-patch.diff $ cd .. $ python install or $ cd [path to python site-packages]/PyRTF $ patch -p0 < PyRTF-0.45-EMF-patch.diff Patch for matplotlib -------------------- The included patch works against matplotlib 0.84 or 0.85; against earlier versions you may need to edit matplotlib/ to add 'EMF':1 to the _knownBackends dict and edit matplotlib/backends/ to add 'EMF' to the non_interactive_bk list. matplotlib/backends/ should be added in all cases. $ cd matplotlib-0.85/lib $ patch -p0 < matplotlib-0.85-EMF-patch.diff $ python install or $ cd [path to python site-packages] $ patch -p0 < matplotlib-0.85-EMF-patch.diff FEATURES ======== Most of the drawing methods of ECMA-234 are supported by pyemf. Supported --------- Drawing parameters: GetStockObject, SelectObject, DeleteObject, CreatePen, CreateSolidBrush, CreateHatchBrush, SetBkColor, SetBkMode, SetPolyFillMode Drawing primitives: SetPixel, Polyline, Polygon, Rectangle, RoundRect, Ellipse, Arc, Chord, Pie, PolyBezier Path primitives: BeginPath, EndPath, MoveTo, LineTo, PolylineTo, ArcTo, PolyBezierTo, CloseFigure, FillPath, StrokePath, StrokeAndFillPath Clipping: SelectClipPath Text: CreateFont, SetTextAlign, SetTextColor, TextOut Coordinate system transformation: SaveDC, RestoreDC, SetWorldTransform, ModifyWorldTransform Experimental ------------ Window/Viewport commands: SetMapMode, SetViewportOrgEx, GetViewportOrgEx, SetViewportExtEx, ScaleViewportExtEx, GetViewportExtEx, SetWindowOrgEx, GetWindowOrgEx, SetWindowExtEx, ScaleWindowExtEx, GetWindowExtEx Unsupported ----------- Palettes Bitmaps Text metrics DOCUMENTATION ============= The most current documentation is always available on the web at Or, in the source distribution, the directory website/api/ contains a copy of the api documentation for version 2.0.0. Simply point your web browser at the index.html within that directory. EXAMPLES ======== Creating an EMF --------------- Here's a simple program (available as in the distribution) that connects opposite corners of an 8in by 6in rectangle with lines: #!/usr/bin/env python import pyemf width=8 height=6 dpi=300 emf=pyemf.EMF(width,height,dpi) thin=emf.CreatePen(pyemf.PS_SOLID,1,(0x01,0x02,0x03)) emf.SelectObject(thin) emf.Polyline([(0,0),(width*dpi,height*dpi)]) emf.Polyline([(0,height*dpi),(width*dpi,0)])"test-1.emf") Examining an EMF ---------------- pyemf, when run as a standalone program, has the ability to read an EMF and print out the contents. Run: $ -v test-1.emf and it will print out a text summary of all the metafile records in the file. Other tests ----------- There are many other tests included in the examples/ directory in the source distribution. After installing the pyemf library, you should be able to run them like this: $ cd examples $ python and examine the output file 'test-drawing1.emf' by loading it in OpenOffice Impress. Also included in the examples directory is the program '' that will run all the tests. KNOWN ISSUES ============ See the website at for more information on the unsupported parts of the ECMA-234 standard. DISCLAIMER ========== pyemf, Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Rob McMullen ( pyemf comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details see the file COPYING included in the source distribution, or see the web site for more information.